Welcome European Emission Trading Scheme,EU ETS

2022-06-03 23:06:29
the carbon emission account funds reach
500USDT--10000USDT, your account will
be automatically upgraded to VIP1
The number of transactions per day is 1.

the carbon emission account funds reach
10001USDT--30000USDT, your account will
be automatically upgraded to VIP2
Users can buy and sell 2 times per day

the carbon emission account funds reach
30001USDT--50000USDT, your account will
be automatically upgraded to VIP3
Users can buy and sell 3 times a day

the carbon emission account funds reach
50001USDT--100000USDT, your account will
be automatically upgraded to VIP4
Users can buy and sell 4 times a day

the carbon emission account funds reach
more than 100001USDT, your account will
be automatically upgraded to VIP5
Users can buy and sell 5 times a day